天灯制做以竹枝为骨架,外敷贴宣纸或油皮纸糊成,口圆袋方,底层支架中间, 绑有一块沾上煤油的粗布或金纸,施放时同热气球原理,点燃下系已浸泡过煤油的金箔纸,待天灯受热膨涨即冉冉升空。飞升上空大小各异,如果天气 不错,底部煤油烧完,孔明灯还会自动下降呢。
1. 红色-祈求身体健康、平安、心想事成、好运跟着来。
2. 粉红色-祈求有情人终成眷属,天成佳偶。
3. 桃红色-祈求婚姻幸福美满、家庭更和谐。
4. 黄色-祈求开运、求财、一路发。
5. 橘色-祈求开运、求财、一路发。
6. 天蓝色-祈求海阔天空、工作顺利。
7. 白色-祈求前途光明、一路顺畅。
8. 紫色-祈求增长智慧、考试一级棒。
Flying lantern
Flying Lantern also known as "Kong Ming lantern", is said invented by Zhuge Liang (Zhuge Kong Ming) at The Three Kingdoms Period, used as the military communication facility. Another saying is that the Lantern was invented from the shape of Kong Ming’s hat in the protrait.
Pinghsi is the hometown of lantern lights, a scenic spot located in the mountains of small towns. There used to have threats of thieves or robbers invasion, so the local residents escaped and fled to the mountains till danger passed. Residents released lanterns when the thieves or robbers are gone so others would know they are safe and return to their homes. This is where the story of "Pingshi Flying Lantern” origin.
The Lantern is made by bamboo for the structure, than wrapped with India paper or oiled paper with round shaped openings and square shaped body. In the middle at the bottom of the Lantern, people would put on a piece of cloth or foil paper dipped with kerosene The theory of rising up the Lantern is like rising up a hot air balloon. Lit the kerosene dipped cloth or foil, the heat will blow up the body of the Lantern and than the Lantern will start to rise up with the heat inside. It varies as how high the lanterns may rise up depending on the sizes of lanterns. If the weather is fine, some lanterns may land back to the ground after the kerosene is burn out.
The proportion of material of the oil paper has to be measured for lit up for about 5-6 minutes and rise up to the height of 500-600 meter. After the fire extinguishes, the lantern will drop off and will not be flying out of the Pinshi Town. Also because of the raining weather in Pinshi, the material used should be organic to corrupt easily. There will be people cleaning up the bamboo sticks at timely basis.
The tradition of releasing the Lantern spread for years and has become an important folk activity at the Lantern Festival. The display of Lantern intends to pray for the happiness, and bring the joy and touch of heart for people seeing the lantern going high to the sky. In recent years, the report from media has brought the attention of international tourists to come and see the event. There are more and more laterns being made and the sizes of lanterns are getting bigger and bigger. People draw or write down the wishes and the name on the lantern. There is saying that “the higher the lantern goes, the closer you are to your dream”. Said that the height that the lantern rise may also be a symbol of one’s luck in a new year. During the day time, it is suggested to use colored lantern so it is visible when rising up. It is also suggested to light up the lantern in open fields, avoiding the high-voltage wires, trees, wind, rain, so when the oilpaper is burning, the lantern can rise up smoothly and safely.
The different signification of writing on Lantern is as below:
1. Red - to pray for good health, peace, every success and good luck.
2. Pink - to pray for true love and marriage.
3. Peach – to pray for happiness in marriage and family.
4. Yellow – to pray for luck and wealth.
5. Orange – to pray for luck and wealth.
6. Azure – to pray for a bright future and smooth career.
7. White – to pray for a bright future and success.
8. Purple – to pray for wisdom and good luck in examinations.
资料来源:台华网 资料日期:2008-01-14